Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome to my blog dedicated to Wicket

Why The Wicket Evangelist?

Have you ever experienced something so great that you just wanted to scream it out loud from the rooftop so everyone can hear you? Well that's sort of the role I've been taking on the last 2 years, preaching the benefits of using Wicket to any and all that are willing and smart enough to listen. A developer friend said I was like an evangelist and I liked that so much I've adopted it. Heck, if the shoe fits so to speak, right lol?

What to Expect 

Here I'll be only posting articles dedicated to Web development using Wicket. I'll still be posting to my other blog, Jeff's Blog, at http://jeff-schwartz.blogspot.com/ but it will be for more generalized & less specific subjects relating to software development.

In the next few weeks I will begin posting articles here related to my last wicket related article at http://jeff-schwartz.blogspot.com/2011/05/apache-wicket-interfaces-to-master.html. Stay tuned because these articles will be very interesting.

See you soon.
